28th Feb 2025  |  News & Events

Journalism Extend Class: News Articles

News Report by Muath A

Guide To Fitzroy High

Unlike other schools, Fitzroy High School is a school that is welcoming and has open arms for anyone who wants to come. Us Fitzrovians alone have a deep and strong bond with our own school, to the point where we can call it home.


Ever since the founding of our beloved school in 1915, and then the reopening of our school in 2004, we have had our ups and downs throughout the years, we’ve still managed to keep our ground despite the challenges we’ve had to face, and to this day, we are still holding strong onto our dignity and identity.


Our school, unlike other schools, has a very special place in the hearts of many, especially in Fitzroy. Our community is strong and diverse, we are open to whoever wants to come join our wonderful school and community, no matter what gender or race you are, our independent community is what represents us and our school alone, and our community will live on for the upcoming years to come.


Gold House takes the Gold at the FHS Swim Carnival! by Henry T

The 2025 Fitzroy High School Carnival took place on Monday 17th February, and Gold House (Murram) beat the other houses yet again. This was a repeat of last year’s swimming carnival, in which Gold House also proved why it is the best among the others.

The day began with a march down to the local Fitzroy Swimming pool which is where the competition took place. Red House took an early lead amongst the other houses, but ultimately Gold House always seemed to have the most participants and therefore, the most success. Those who chose not to participate could cheer on from the sidelines and still try their best to help out their house, to gain a few extra points.

Let’s rewind. The Swimming Carnival took place on Monday the 17th of February 2025, at the local Fitzroy Swimming Pool. It is a fifty-meter outdoor swimming pool that is over one hundred and twenty years old, built-in 1908. The forecast showed a partly cloudy 22 and it did not disappoint, with ideal swimming conditions for the swimmers and spectators.

Here is what student Evan D had to say: “It was fun to see people participating”.

It was a fun, great day for all and we thank all the people who made it happen. Looking forward to next year.


News Report: Fitzroy High School Doing Good for Students by Sami P

Location:  Fitzroy North, Melbourne

Date: February/20/2025

Fitzroy High School, you know, this school in Melbourne, they do a very good job for students. This place is not like old-style schools, it’s not boring, and they teach in different ways. Teachers and students, they have respect, are not too strict, but are still serious about learning.

These days, they are making new programs, like real-world learning. Not only sit and write but also do practical things. This way, students learn better and do not forget after the exam. Also, with student-led projects happening, young people get a chance to show their own ideas.

Sports are also strong, boys and girls both playing well. The arts side is also good, some students making very nice music, drama, and painting. Fitzroy kids have talent, no joke.

Overall, Fitzroy High is doing great. They are not just teaching, they are making the future strong. If they continue like this, more success will come.

Fitzroy High also focuses on student mental health, making sure everyone feels safe and supported. Teachers listen to students, not just give orders. The future looks bright for this school!


The new school year at Fitzroy High School by Evan D

On the 30th of January, students of Fitzroy High School returned to school. Some students were too annoyed to return to school, others were happy and excited. One student in year nine, Henry T was excited to come back  “I’m excited to come back and have the opportunity to do extended subjects for the first time”. At first it was an emotional rollercoaster because there was a lot of work to be done and the teacher telling students the rules for the year plus students finding out their classes on the first day and year level assembly for all years. All that happened in just two days, but lucky students had the weekend to relax before their next week of school.

On Monday coming back from the weekend students found out their extended subjects. Some students did not get their first choice but who knows there will always be new opportunities. The next week on the 13th of February all students had a whole school assembly. The students found out who were school captains and house captains and other events over the term and after the assembly students went to their house meeting and discussed the upcoming swimming carnival and created chants and what to bring to that event.

The last major event at Fitzroy High School was the swimming carnival on the 17th of February at Fitzroy Swimming pool, students arrived at school and got marked for the roll and then made their way to the event with their houses, Gold House won the swimming carnival, Overall it was good weather for the day of swimming and cheering, and the students had sausages for lunch!


Fitzroy High School Update by Ehsan M

Location: Fitzroy North, Melbourne
Date: February 20, 2025

Hey everyone! Here’s what’s happening at Fitzroy High School lately:

Cool Learning Spaces
Fitzroy High has some awesome new classrooms that make learning more fun. They’re designed so we can work together better and learn in ways that suit us. It’s way more interactive than just sitting at a desk all day!

Focus on Wellbeing
The school is also super focused on our wellbeing. They’ve started programs that teach us important life skills, like respect and resilience. These programs are helping us feel better about ourselves and make the school a nicer place to be.

Community Vibes
Fitzroy High loves connecting with the local community. They host events where we can show off our achievements and get involved with local opportunities. It’s great to see everyone come together!

Overall, Fitzroy High School is working hard to improve things for us students while keeping strong ties with the community. Here’s hoping for an awesome year ahead!


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Fitzroy High School

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