28th Feb 2025 | News & Events
Assistant Principal Report
Dear FHS families
Welcome Matthew Roberts
Hello to the Fitzroy community. If you can believe it, we’re halfway through the first term already and there’s no signs of it slowing down. For those that I’ve had an opportunity to have a chat with, thanks for being so welcoming; and to others that I haven’t, I look forward to the opportunity. We’ve already had plenty to celebrate and we continue at the school to prepare for many more events. Please make sure you continue to check Compass updates and emails to ensure there are no surprises in terms of excursions, consents, payments, assessments, NAPLAN (coming very soon) or any of the other planned happenings. Thanks again for your support so far this term.
Swimming Carnival Highlights
The 2025 swimming carnival took place on Monday the 17th of February and we saw students from all year levels dive into the day with enthusiasm, determination, and a sense of friendly competition. It was a glorious day at the pool, and our swimmers showcased some incredible athleticism and sportsmanship. From freestyle sprints to relay events and a host of novelty activities, it was wonderful to see the spirit of competition alive and well. Congratulations to winners Marram and well done to everyone for their outstanding sportsmanship and encouragement. A huge thank you must go to Mitch, the PE team, Oli (announcer/DJ), Jamie (BBQ) and our house leaders for their organisation in the lead up and on the day.
Year 7 Welcome Breakfast
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents who attended the Year 7 Meet and Greet Breakfast last week. It was truly a warm and welcoming way to connect after what has been a busy start to the school year. We thought it was a wonderful opportunity for parents, teachers, and students to connect in a relaxed and friendly environment.
We truly appreciate your support and involvement in our school community. We look forward to working together throughout the year to ensure a successful and enriching experience for all our Year 7 students.
Thank you once again for your time, and we hope to see you at future school events!
Community Health Expo- Year 10
This week the Year 10 students participated in the inaugural Community Health Expo at FHS. The wonderful Heath and PS team led by Hanna Y organised the event in conjunction with our Nurse in Schools program. The TDU hosted a setup with Yarra Leisure, Yarra Youth Services, Richmond Community Health and The Salvation Army counselling services.
The students had the opportunity to speak to all stakeholders and received up to date helpful information about the services. The students conducted themselves in a professional manner and asked very poignant questions.
Mobile Phone Reminder
A reminder to all families about our Mobile Phone Policy.
Please read our policy here:
Mobile Phone Policy | Fitzroy High School
We must commend students who have adhered to the policy and followed the school’s protocol. We have however had to remind a number of students to have mobile phones put away. There have been instances where students have been using them in corridors during learning time. Phones will be taken to the office in this instance and then collected at the end of the day. Please be mindful and remind your child about this.
Open Day Experience March 25th 2025
We are excited to invite prospective families to our Open Day Experience this coming March. Please pass on the flyer to anyone you know that may be thinking about enrolling with us. Judging by the huge school tour today, we think we will have a record number attending Open Day this year.
From Margaret Doucas and Matthew Roberts