06th Aug 2024  |  News & Events

Camps and Excursions

Year 8 Camp

Last week, Year 8 went to camp. We spent three nights at the camp, diving into the activities from the moment we arrived until we packed up to head home.  The camp gave us a chance to try new things and strengthen our connections with classmates.

On the first day, we left school at 9:00, strapping ourselves in for a four hour long trip ( a while, I know). I think we were all glad when we arrived at Valley Homestead because four hours even with a half an hour long break is still a long time to be stuck in a bus with over thirty other people. The rest of that afternoon was filled with team building challenges, dinner and after all that a campfire with marshmallows and milo to wrap up the night.

The next day was filled with activities and lots of entertainment, as we tackled challenges and made the most of our time there. Wake up time was 7:00 with breakfast at 8:00. The rest of the morning packed together high ropes, a dual flying fox and a free fall slide. Then after lunch, Archery and Cycling took place. Luckily there was no rain so the cyclists rode without any troubles. Same could probably be said about Archery. After dinner, we had a trivia competition. We split into teams, and everyone did extremely well, however no one could beat the teacher team. That pretty much ended day two.

The third day wasn’t any less action packed. Beginning with bush skills, we went up into the bush and made fires in the rain (wasn’t any easier than it sounds). Using those fires we made our morning tea and lunch. Then headed back down to the campsite having a small break before we began the last activity for camp. The group that didn’t do cycling yesterday did cycling and vice versa. Unfortunately, it was raining so that made it hard.  That night there was a movie with popcorn. We watched the Truman Show and then went to bed.

The final day didn’t go as expected. The bus expected to arrive at 10:00 ran an hour late, instead arriving at 11:00, which gave us almost enough time to finish Ferris Bueller’s day off, a movie we started not expecting to finish. To top it all off the traffic was terrible so it took us an extra hour to get back to school. We all needed a break from each other by the end of that day.

Overall camp was good and I think everyone enjoyed it. I want to express my gratitude to all the teachers who joined us on this trip, giving their time and effort to make it possible, especially on the last few days. Your support and commitment was and still is truly appreciated. It would not have been the same without you. Thank you!

Written by Cassie H

Camp 1 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future. Camp 2 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future. Camp 3 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future. Camp 4 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future. Camp 5 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future.


Outdoor School- Future Makers Extension Programs

Last year 24 Year 9 students participated in a two week Future Makers camp run by the Outdoor School. Throughout this program students spent 5 days canoeing and camping under the stars along the Murray River. The purpose of the program is to develop future ready young people who consider their global footprint, the opportunities before them to make a difference and build their preferred future.

After completing the program students are invited to apply for a variety of Year 10 extension programs. Schools are usually lucky to have one student selected and this year we had eight students chosen to represent our school on these incredible programs.

For 19 days from July 31st- August 18th Poppy S, Inari K and Mavis C are on the Kimberley program. They will be immersing themselves in the daily workings of the Jarlmadangah Burru Aboriginal Community in remote Western Australia. During the September school holidays Emil C, Murray H, Margaret F-S and Poppy B will be participating in the Summit to Sea program. Students will make their way from the top of Mt Kosciusko all the way to the ocean at Marlo. They will be using snowshoeing, bushwalking and white water rafting as modes of transport. Joseph C was also selected for the Nepal program which will run in 2025.

More information about the Outdoor School programs can be found on their website, you can also keep up with the students’ travel adventures by following ‘Outdoor School Bogong’ on Facebook or Instagram.

FM 1 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future. FM 2 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future. FM 3 - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future.


The Scene of the Crime

The Scene of the Crime was one of the most interesting excursions I’ve ever been on. We all went in a minibus driven by Hanna, with Rainer giving commentary. We went around and south of Melbourne, from Fitzroy to Docklands, stopping every now and then to get out and have a look around the area, which made it feel much more real, being able to see and be at the actual place.

At each location we were told what happened, by who and a bunch of other information which helped us get a good general idea of the event. There were photos passed around so we got to see what these terrible people looked like, and we could only hope to guess what exactly was going through their minds and why they did the things they did.

It was unsettling how some of the areas where we walk every day, some of the most brutal things had occurred, being none the wiser.

Now, when I’m walking on the same streets in the city, or on a bus on Hoddle St, I can’t help but think of the people, the act, and everything that comes with it. I won’t be able to be unaware of the story and history – these sorts of things you might never forget.



On Tuesday 28th of May, we departed from Fitzroy High School. Soon after arriving at Hoddle St, learning the history of the horrific crime that occurred there. Then we drove to Easey St, and learnt of the harrowing backstory of the owners of the house, as well as the way the crime was committed, with it still not being solved.

Moving on, we visited an infamous Asian restaurant where a mafia boss was shot and killed in self defence. Continuing to Queen street we experienced the history of the massacre where a man killed many people in. a crime of jealousy towards an ex partners boyfriend, but then jumped out of the building in an act of suicide to prevent a conviction.

We also had a look at the Bourke street massacre, a crime in which many people where injured and a few killed, the crime was committed by a man who drove a car through the street running people over. We then drove to south yarra and visited the scene of salt night club where a fight occurred which involved the use of Samarai katanas, and the drowning of the escaped victims, returning to school right at the time of the bell.



The tour was far more impressive than expected. What really shook me was the sheer amount of gritty violent crimes, in somewhere I thought was all but free from them. Though it was by all means fascinating, if not quite dark and confronting, and put a new insight on many laws and their necessity. Between bombings, shootings, assassinations, stabbings and struggles, an almost seemingly dull city suddenly felt far more gritty than before, and it was interesting to get a new take on a place I had spent my whole life in. I also enjoyed the opportunity for a seven eleven stop as well early on. Though the different location varied in their engagement with me, on the most part I found all of them equally interesting, especially the ones in the city centre itself, where it seemed the most happened. It did however, more than anything else, prove the importance of safety when in public, while also somewhat exposing the issues with the police and law system as well, through many failed searches and false accusations.



On the crime excursion, we visited various crime scenes throughout Melbourne. These included the Hoddle Street massacre (the perpetrator is Fitzroy High School alumni), the Easey Street murders, gangland shootings in Carlton, Russell Street bombings, Bourke Street massacre and the Chapel Street stabbings among others. It was interesting to hear about these cases and the effect it had on society such as the introduction of new laws in the Hoddle Street massacre’s case. The excursion was a great experience to learn about these cases and the history of Melbourne.


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