31st May 2024  |  News & Events

Principal’s Report May 2024

Dear Fitzroy High School community

I hope you enjoy the articles in this newsletter, which give a taste of what has been going on at the 7-10 Campus. I also encourage you to look at the Wurun Senior Campus website and read the Wurun Bulletin, which showcases what is happening at our joint senior campus.

A few weeks ago, the Minister for Education and the Premier of Victoria visited Wurun to announce and celebrate the ongoing work of the Mental Health Initiative in all Victorian schools. During the visit, they interviewed one of our Mental Health Practitioners, Anna Nissen, as well as some of our students. As a campus, we were proud of the being chosen for this event, as an acknowledgement of the fantastic work of our Mental Health Practitioners, as well as our larger wellbeing teams.

Several of our staff from Wurun were also invited to the “We are more” conference in Hobart, as part of the New Metrics program that we are involved in, led by the University of Melbourne. We are proud of the ground-breaking work being done in this space and will keep you updated.

After an internal expression of interest process, Margaret Doucas and Zoran Vasic will continue until the end of 2024 in their shared role as Acting Assistant Principal. We wish them well and look forward to seeing the exciting projects that they are working on come to fruition.

With Paul Cahil’s departure, we have appointed Carmel Harris as the new Careers Practitioner and welcome the broad experience that she brings to the school. Carmel will be working two days at Wurun and one day at the 7-10 Campus. We have also employed Michelle Shalagin in reception and Melissa La Rose in the Daily Organiser role and warmly welcome them both to the school.

Moira Finucane has stepped aside from the School Council President role but will continue as the Vice President. In her place, Toni McSweeney was appointed as the new School Council President at the last meeting. There are still many opportunities for families to get involved in School Council activities and you will shortly be contacted about these by the subcommittee convenors.

A reminder that the Kings Birthday public holiday is on Monday June 10 and that Tuesday June 18 is the GAT Day for the senior students and a Student Free Day for all other students, so no classes on that day.

The 2023 Annual Report and the 2024 Annual Implementation Plan are both now on Compass and the school website. At the end of the term, I will be holding an online public meeting for our school community, where people can ask questions and discuss the things that are important to them.

Warm regards
Linda Mitchell, Principal

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Fitzroy High School

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