08th Dec 2023  |  News & Events

Positive Points and Positive Shop

As we bid farewell to another remarkable school term, it’s with great pleasure that we reflect on the successes that we’ve had this year in the Positive Behaviour Support Program.

The Positive Behaviour Blitzes from this term saw improvements in appropriate technology use around the school, students being prepared for class, and student attendance data.  These blitzes have not only celebrated the model behaviour of students but reinforced the importance of our school values of Trust, Engage, and Respect in creating the culture of our school.  These values help make Fitzroy High School a unique learning environment and it has been heartening to see so many students embrace those values.

A key component of encouraging this has been the Positive Points system and the Positive Points Shop (Open from 11/12 – 14/12).  There have been countless moments of positive behaviours in 2023 and this year has seen us give out over 5,000 Positive Points to students!  Each term these points have been exchanged for prizes in our Positive Points Shop, which has served to reward those students who have embodied our school values and encouraged a collective responsibility for maintaining the positive and collaborative culture of FHS.

As we begin to wrap up our term, let’s take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for everyone who has helped make this program the success that it has been, whether by donating items/funds for the shop, teaching and encouraging the students to uphold the school values, and the students themselves for their efforts in modelling these positive behaviours.  We thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to creating a school community built around trust, engagement, and respect for each other and what we do.

We wish you all a happy holiday and look forward to seeing you again next year.

Kind regards,

Campbell Sewell
Acting Engagement Leader

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Fitzroy High School

Trust, Engage,