03rd Nov 2023  |  News & Events

A Message from the Acting Principal

Given that last Friday was World Teachers Day, I would like to begin by including the beautiful letter the FHS Student Representative team wrote to the teachers (and staff) of Fitzroy High School.

It is a privilege to be the Acting Principal of a school  where the relationships and authentic learning partnerships between students and staff are so strong.

Dear Fitzroy High School teachers,

Here in Victoria, today is a very special day. Today is a day of great celebration and acknowledgement. But most importantly of all, today is a day for you.

World Teachers’ Day means so many things to so many people around the globe, and here at Fitzroy High School us students are proud to say the same. The very fabric of our school is built upon your efforts, upon your tireless work ethic and constant contribution to our school, a school that thanks to you is so much more than a place where we study. Rather, it is a beautiful learning community, one that is constantly enriched and nourished by the learning you facilitate and the young minds you foster.

Teaching is the most important profession in the world, yet in the past it has so often been unnoticed as such. In recent years however, particularly those of the Pandemic, your willingness to give our community, to give us, your very best every single day has more than proven how valuable you all are as not just teachers, but as people. Similarly, your daily investment in us, not just as students, but as people, points to how you put us as your biggest priority no matter the cost. Whether it be your time, energy or your patience, you are always prepared to give whatever it takes to accommodate our learning and wellbeing needs. Furthermore, you make sure to accommodate time for your own learning as a teacher, always looking to improve and to be at your very best, inspiring all of us around you to strive for the same level of excellence. Quite simply, you make Fitzroy High School an amazing and fun place to be.

Ultimately, actions speak so much louder than words. Your commitment and dedication as teachers has always been a comforting hand on all of our shoulders, guiding us into the big world that awaits us. Today is the day where we acknowledge that, extending our own hand to you, to show our support and to give our thanks for the impact you have and will continue to make on our lives for years to come. So on behalf of the entire student community at Fitzroy High School, thank you.

Happy World Teacher Day!

Wishing you the best,

The FHS 2023/24 Student Representative Team


School review 

Last Monday, we had a successful and productive first day (Validation day) of our school review.  Thank you to the staff  and students involved in the day and thank you to our School Council President for her commitment and contributions to the panel on the day. The next stage in the review process is two Fieldwork days, with Wurun Senior Campus on November 14 and FHS 7-10 Campus on November 16. We encourage you to consider taking part in focus groups and other activities occurring on the review fieldwork days.


Year 12 Graduation Celebration 

Our wonderful year 12 cohort Graduated from our  Wurun Senior Campus on October the 18th with an assembly and award ceremony with families and staff.  Congratulations to each Year 12 student on the achievement of completing your secondary education.  I would like to extend my thanks to Chris Millard, Campus Principal of the Wurun Senior Campus and the senior team  for their leadership in delivering such an incredible celebration of learning, achievement, growth and learner agency.


VicSRC Student of the Year Finalist

I am very proud to announce that Thomas H in year 10, is a finalist for 2023 VicSRC Student of the Year. Thomas was nominated for his hard work and commitment to leading and amplifying student voice at Fitzroy High School. Congratulations and well done Thomas!


FHS 7-10 Campus Lunch Time Clubs 

In addition to our weekly lunch time clubs listed below,  Jungle City Projects will be running a Dance Queenz program at FHS. The program will run every Friday from 1.30-2PM in the gym and all interested students are welcome to attend. Jungle City aims to build healthy, harmonious and resilient young people through the power of dance.


Book Club with Clare

Monday 1:30-2PM – A118


Climate Club with Thuy Linh

Tuesday 1:30-2PM – BG10


Chess Club with Campbell

Wednesday 1:30-2PM – D101


Music Club with Oli

Monday 1:30-2PM – Music Room


Philosophy Club with Tim

Friday 1:30-2PM – A118


Thank you to all teachers and students involved in our lunch time clubs. A special shout out to Imogen and the FHS debating club for their incredible success in the Debaters Association of Victoria competition this year.


Andrea Thompson

Acting Principal

THOMPSON Andrea - Fitzroy High School - Embrace a bold & ambitious future.

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Fitzroy High School

Trust, Engage,