Enrolment Information
Year 6 to 7 Placement
Government Schools
The placement process for Year 7 commences in Term 2, for the following year’s intake.
Initially, primary schools are responsible for managing the Year 7 application process. During the first week of term 2, primary schools will distribute to the parents of Year 6 children the Year 6 to Year 7 Placement Pack, including an Application for Year 7 Placement form. On this application form, parents are asked to list up to three secondary school preferences. If you would like your child to attend Fitzroy High School, it is important to list us as your first preference. The form is to be returned to the primary school. The primary and secondary schools work together to ensure all Year 6 students are placed for Year 7.
Non-Government Schools
Families of Year 6 students at non-government schools wanting to enrol at Fitzroy High School may contact us directly if your primary school is not supporting the state-wide placement process. Non-government families must use the Application for Year 7 Placement available in the parent/carer information pack.
For direct submissions Fitzroy will acknowledge receipt of the application form and advise, in writing, if your child is not successful in gaining a Year 7 placement at their preference/s, their form will be forwarded to their designated neighbourhood school.
For more information or to download the Parent/Carer Information Pack once released, click the link below:
Year 8-10 Enrolments
To enrol in Years 8–10 or mid year Year 7, families are welcome to apply at any time through completing an Expression of Interest Application.
In line with the Department of Education (DE), North-Western Region, criteria, Fitzroy High School will offer places in the following priority order:
- Students for whom Fitzroy High School is the designated neighbourhood government school as determined by Fitzroy High School’s zone. To find your school zone click the link below to the Find My School website: https://www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au/
- Students with a sibling at the same permanent residence who are currently attending Fitzroy High School.
Students who do not meet the above criteria can still be placed at Fitzroy depending on the capacity of the year level. These places are filled with distance from school as the criteria.
If you wish to join the Fitzroy High School Community, please fill out the Expression of interest below and we will be in touch.
Your expression of interest will not be considered until hard copies of the following documents have been submitted to the Fitzroy High School office or via email to fitzroy.hs@education.vic.gov.au
- Proof of date of birth
- Proof of permanent residential address
- Two most recent school reports
Year 11-12 Enrolments
For Year 11-12 enrolments please click the link below to our Wurun Senior Campus website to submit your Expression of Interest: